You clasp the cold doorknob with a hand that shakes slightly. Thousands of possibilities for the new room cross your mind. A distorted reflection of yourself stares at you from the doorknob. Turning the knob, a slow creak that releases out into the air and disappears in the commotion around. As the door swishes open, a burst of dull light adds to the busyness around you.The sound of cheerful chatter floats around reaching every inch of the intriguing room. You feel calm and in-place with your surroundings; not even the height difference make you feel uncomfortable. A pleasant mixture of delicate scents swiftly fly up into you nostrils, giving you a fuzzy feeling. Your head leans back to discover a ceiling that is littered with lights. Tiny crystals cover the glass bulbs; looking like a blanket of frost on an early morning winter. Causing the light to refract into strange and wonderful directions. Reminding you of the days you spent playing with your grandmother glass prism. The pleasant atmosphere beckons you closer.

Quickly, grabbing your attention is a stage, a microphone, and a Oompa Loompa. An alluring melody leaves his mouth, and surprises the audience. It captivates you instantly like never before. Your feet pull you towards the purple velvet couches that are place in an inviting circle around the stage. Most of the couches are taken by small little people in matching white overalls. The overalls are all miraculously white, and must of been soaking in bleach for days. Every overall has two little silver buttons that have ‘WW Factory’ carefully engraved into it. green, purple and gold spots are stitched into each Oompa Loompas sock. All of the Oompa Loompas have green hair, but each Oompa Loompa has their own  personal style. Some have their hair slicked back with almost a whole jar of gel; other have it spiked upwards. Reaching your destination, you fall back onto the couch. A set of purple arms provide you with a welcoming cuddle.

A glossy glass counter is decorated with sweets; it stands in the conner of the room. Oompa Loompas line up eggar to get a taste of the sugary delights that await them. A sudden urge to join the line comes over you. The line is a slithering snake the twists through the room. Large colored glass jars catch your eye; every jar is filled with sensational sweets. All the colours on each lolly dance to create a perfect pattern, whether it is a flawlessly timed tango, or a sweet salsa, it still is able to draw you closer. Unable to resist your body guides you to the back of the queue. Each passing second a unstoppable excitement washes over you. Waiting in line is bearable because of the Oompa Loompa that is serving each customer. The name tag that sits on his right side says ‘Matthew’. You notice that Mathew is wearing the same overalls as every other Oompa Loompa. The Fallen rainbow sugar that is decorating his overalls gives his character. He works as the line grows smaller, and as you move closer and closer. Since you are so close now you mouth has a sweet taste lingering this causes another flood of unstoppable excitement. Interest takes over as you watch the little man. He works quickly without tiring on bit. Your minds is swirling with thought, and you think about how he would of had to have 8 cups of coffee to work this fast. Effortlessly, the Oompa Loompa gives the customer in front of you a large bag of all sorts of sweets. As the customer returns to nestle in the couches, your feet take control again.

The server has a wide grin spread across his face, which radiates warmth into the room. Finding your self speechless you beg for words to come, but they hideaway like a bear in a cold Canadian winter. The Oompa Loompa politely stares at you and opens his mouth. You are unable to respond due to the loud noises drowning out his word. Your hand stretches out and points at Willy Wonka’s famous chocolate bar. The heaviness of the bar lightly press into your palm. Thanking him quickly you take a seat again. Your fingertips receive a massage from fraying end that brushes against you.  A crisp crinkle come from the wrapper as you cautiously tear the plastic. There is a smooth cracking sound when you break away a row. The instant the chocolate touches your tongue you understand why it is famous. Melting like an ice cube on a sweltering day, the chocolate slides down your throat in a creamy chocolate river. It has now disappeared, but the rich flavour still clings tightly to your taste buds. You find yourself going back for another piece as the next Oompa Loompa takes the stage.

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